Simulazione delle pulsazioni
Riduzione dei costi del ciclo di vita grazie alla progettazione ottimale.
Grazie all’ispezione dell’installazione LEWA, già in fase di progettazione avrete la certezza che l’intero sistema (pompa e tubazioni) funzionerà in modo affidabile. Il vantaggio è quello di ridurre i costi di investimento grazie al dimensionamento e al posizionamento ottimali dei componenti e alla lunga durata dell’intero sistema.
Esaminiamo insieme a voi i requisiti di base di una pompa alternativa. Efficienza vuol dire definire i componenti necessari e la loro disposizione. Inoltre, per una valutazione professionale dell'intero sistema è necessaria una valutazione dettagliata del fluido da dosare.
Pulsation studies
We perform an analytical study with our software PumpDesign. This provides information on:
- Mass pressure fluctuations, caused by the acceleration forces of the pump
- Volumetric pump efficiency
- Inlet pressure loss
- Minimum suction flange pressure
- Pressure loss and pressure pulsation in pipelines
- Cavitation and overload
- Resonance at critical speeds
We are the only pump manufacturer worldwide that also performs numeric simulations and test API 674/675 criteria. This will give you exact evidence, without any deouts to external institutions, on dynamic processes in complex pipeline systems (e.g., parallel operation of pumps) and pressure amplitudes.
These analyses are used for optimization of pulsation damping and pipeline dimensioning. In this way we prevent typical problems by exact calculation, such as cavitation and vibrations as well as fatigue damage to pipelines and components. The results of the study are summarized in a corresponding documentation.

Assessment according to API 674/675
We offer this service as the world's only pump manufacturer. Without time-consuming detours via external institutions you get accurate information. In this case, the piping system is tested according to the following criteria:
- Comparison of the expected pressure amplitudes with the max. permissible values according to API 674/675
- Monitoring of the minimum pressure in the system to avoid cavitation
- Calculation of the distance between the maximum pressure in the system and the set pressure of the safety valve
- Sufficient distance of the pump excitation frequency of the mechanical resonant frequencies of the piping system (Clamping length recommendation for the planned network)
Considering the complexity of the system, the kinematics of the cylinders and the control range of the pump as well as the properties of the fluid we verify your installation.