LEWA Triplex® Aseptic Homogenizing Pump: Advanced Solution for High-Pressure Process Pumping

Trust LEWA as your premier provider of specialized aseptic solutions for handling delicate fluids in the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical sectors. Our LEWA Homogenizing Pump incorporates hermetic diaphragm technology, ensuring optimal production safety and consistent product quality.

Designed with hygiene in mind, the LEWA Triplex achieves impressive flow rates of up to 18 m3/h and discharge pressures of up to 450 bar.

LEWA Triplex Process Diaphragm Pumps: High-Pressure Aseptic Homogenization Solution

Hermetically tight, safe and reliable.

High-Pressure Aseptic Homogenization with LEWA Triplex Process Diaphragm Pumps

In industries like food, life sciences, and fine chemicals, homogenization is a crucial process step.

Sterility is paramount when handling sensitive fluids. With the reliable LEWA Triplex pump, hermetic tightness of the pump head chamber is assured, preventing emissions into the environment. Years of expertise in hygienic design ensure the highest production safety, even with delicate fluids. Precision metering ensures recipe conformity and repeatability.

LEWA's aseptic pumps can be qualified and validated with all necessary documentation to meet quality requirements. Additionally, they boast long service life and low life cycle costs.

Advantages of Opting for the LEWA Homogenizing Pump for High-Pressure Aseptic Homogenization

The LEWA triplex pump in hygienic design is ideal for homogenizing highly sensitive fluids, ensuring seamless production and efficient cleaning cycles.

Sterile processes through absolute asepsis

The pneumatically driven two-stage sterilizable homogenization valve guarantees sterility and thus a sterile process.

Hermetic tightness

The hermetically tight fluid chamber guarantees zero leakage from inside to outside and vice versa. This prevents access of atmospheric oxygen.

High process reliability for 24/7 continuous operation

The proven diaphragm operation with a typical diaphragm lifetime of 8,000 hours ensures uninterrupted production cycles.

LEWA triplex as the standard

The standard for aseptic process pumps is the robust and proven LEWA triplex pump series.

Years of experience with sterile applications

With sanitary and hygienic designs, LEWA gained many decades of experience in the hygienic of pump heads and valves in the food, pharmaceutical and life science industries.

LEWA is pleased to offer a customized pipe analysis on the suction and discharge side as a service.

LEWA's triplex series is characterized by very low-noise operation and a low-pulsation flow rate. This is made possible by the even piston offset (eccentric offset). As an option, it is possible to install hygienic pulsation dampers in the piping system.

Food safety & compliance

Due to their design, pumps of the LEWA triplex series ensure a high production and thus quality safety for food and at the same time the conformity with applicable regulations on hygienic standards.

Excellent cleanability

To ensure food safety, regular cleaning is important. Cleaning and sterilization of LEWA triplex pumps is done very easily, thus cleaning times can be reduced significantly.

Process Pump Features for High-Pressure Aseptic Homogenizing

Configuration for especially critical processes

For processes that require a particularly sterile environment, such as in the pharmaceutical industry, your pump can be designed accordingly.

Individual design

The pump is designed according to your specific requirements.

Mounting of different homogenizing valves possible

If you have specific requirements regarding the homogenizing valve, this request is easy to realize, since LEWA triplex pumps can be equipped with various customer-side homogenizing valves.

Production scale-up possible

A scale-up of the whole process is easily achieved without any problems by the various sizes of LEWA triplex pumps. This is accomplished  without changing the essential functional characteristics of the pump and its cleanability.

Performance data

TypeFlow rate [l/h]CIP rate [l/h] *Discharge pressure [bar]
Pilot plant G3S500 -1,0001,000450-500
Option 1 G3F5,0005,000280
Option 2 G3G10,00010,000250
Option 3 G3M15,00015,000290
Option 4 G3R18,00018,000300

*) An external CIP pump cleans the entire system and thus also the homogenizer according to the overall applicable cleaning requirements. This results in the actual CIP rate.

Dimensions *

LEWA pump head K
TypeLength [mm]Width [mm]Height [mm]
Pilot plant G3S1,9001,8001,600
Option 1 G3F2,3002,1002,600
Option 2 G3G2,3002,5002,700
Option 3 G3M2,3002,6003,200
Option 4 G3R3,1002,8003,500

*) Dimensions for orientation only, actual installation dimensions may vary.


Robust metering solutions for the use in the Chemical industry
Chemicals  industry

Pompes pour produits chimiques et groupes de dosage pour l’industrie chimique

Lorsque, dans des processus à haute pression, des fluides et suspensions critiques, qui sont dangereux pour l’environnement, toxiques ou inflammables doivent être refoulés et dosés en toute sécurité, il n’existe quasiment aucune alternative aux pompes doseuses, pompes de process à membrane et systèmes de dosage LEWA hermétiquement étanches. Pour la fabrication de produits chimiques intermédiaires et finis, les pompes hermétiquement étanches de LEWA, conçues pour des pressions jusqu’à 1 200 bar, constituent la référence. Contactez nos experts pour obtenir des conseils sur votre système ou votre pompe pour produits chimiques.

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Pompes et systèmes pour les industries pharmaceutique, des sciences de la vie et biotechnologique

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Pompes et systèmes pour l’industrie alimentaire et des boissons

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Production of pills in the Pharmaceuticals Industry

Production pharmaceutique

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Chemical injection in the Oil and Gas Industry

Dosage chimique dans les systèmes de nettoyage à haute pression

Les pompes de dosage et de traitement à membrane LEWA répondent aux exigences spécifiques de la production de mélamine (trimérisation de l'urée). N’hésitez pas à nous contacter !

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Séchage par atomisation pharmaceutique

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Butter production in the food industry

Fabrication de beurre

Afin de garantir la qualité constante du beurre tartinable, les ingrédients comme l’huile de colza, l’eau et la saumure sont dosés de manière variable et entièrement automatique à l’aide de pompes ecoflow. 

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Homogénéisation du lait

Avec les systèmes d'homogénéisation LEWA, les producteurs de produits laitiers peuvent obtenir une granulométrie, une humidité et une couleur uniformes, par exemple dans les préparations pour nourrissons, et empêcher le concentré de lait qu'il contient de crémer. 

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Homogenization in Pharma processes

Systèmes de haute pureté

Les pompes et les systèmes de haute pureté de LEWA sont une solution éprouvée dans l'industrie pharmaceutique et biotechnologique. Nous sommes heureux de vous aider avec votre système individuel de haute pureté.

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