
Find all our product-brochures, industry- and further information here as downloadable PDF-files.

NIKKISO Non-Seal® Pump Hermetyczne pompy odśrodkowe.

Firma NIKKISO rozpoczęła produkcję hermetycznych pomp odśrodkowych w 1956 roku, stając się jedną z pierwszych firm na świecie produkującą takie pompy na rynek komercyjny i kontynuuje tę działalność do chwili obecnej.
3 MB | 18.02.2022

NIKKISO Non-Seal Canned Motor Pumps (PT)

As bombas centrífugas encapsuladas NIKKISO foram desenvolvidas para aplicações em refinarias e no setor petroquímico.
3 MB | 18.02.2022

NIKKISO Non-Seal Canned Motor Pumps (USA)

NIKKISO Canned Motor Pumps are developed for the heavy duty requirements in the refinery and petrochemical industries.
3 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA ecodos - Bomba dosadora de diafragma com acionamento mecânico. (PT)

A LEWA ecodos é uma bomba dosadora de diafragma segura, confiável e eficiente com acionamento mecânico do diafragma que oferece muitas opções.
2 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA ecodos - the mechanically actuated diaphragm metering pump. (USA)

LEWA ecodos is a safe, reliable and efficient diaphragm metering pump with mechanical diaphragm actuation that provides many options.
2 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA Micrometering pumps (USA)

Micro-metering pumps with diaphragm technology for metering fluids in laboratories and test centers.
1 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA Mikrodosierpumpen (DE)

Mikrodosierpumpen mit Membrantechnologie für die Dosierung von Flüssigkeiten in Labor und Technikum.
2 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA ecosmart bombas dosadoras de diafragma a um preço acessível. (PT)

A bomba dosadora de diafragma ecosmart da LEWA oferece a melhor relação preço/desempenho em sua classe e dosa fluidos frequentemente caros com alta precisão.
2 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA ecosmart diaphragm metering pumps at a smart price. (USA)

The LEWA ecosmart diaphragm metering pump offers the best price/performance ratio in its class and meters often costly fluids with high precision.
2 MB | 18.02.2022

LEWA ecofoam® testing system - the metering system for blowing agents in extrusion processes. (USA)

LEWA ecofoam testing system has been designed for all known blowing agents, incl. cooling device for CO₂ and explosion-proof design for combustible blowing agents.
321 KB | 18.02.2022

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